May 7th – Civic Street Open Day
On Saturday May 7th we held our first Civic Street Open Day – a day of workshops and activities in Civic House and yard. Across the day we hosted cooking, habitat building and sound workshops alongside our partners Bike For Good and Glasgow Tool Library.
In the morning we started with a cooking workshop by Sean Hussain of Good Stuff who led an introduction to sourdough, pasta and cheese making. The participants and volunteers of this worked collaboratively to make and serve lunch for the whole of the Open Day – with some delicious fresh pasta, salads and pizza flatbreads.
Out in Civic Street yard Matija Kraljić and Zoe Pearson held a wildlife habitat building workshop – constructing an insect hotel with a group of participants. Using various materials – douglas fir boards, alpaca wool, scaffold boards, willow branches, pine boards and logs – they looked at the simplest ways of promoting biodiversity on the site.
Tino Kellighan and Michaela Pointon hosted ‘Sounds of the Site’, an instrument making and sound workshop which experimented with the intervention of noise and sounds on the street. By exploring the existing sounds of Civic Street and the open day they asked participants to notice and imagine what this audio experience is, what it could be, and the ways in which noise experientially impacts public space.
Glasgow Tool Library held a volunteer ‘Big Fix’ in our venue space at Civic House – working together to sort and repair tools donated to the library so that they may be used by the public.
Bike For Good held their ‘Cycle Saturdays’ alongside a smoothie bike (yum!), bike maintenance with Dr. Bike, and a led bike ride in the afternoon promoting confidence building and active travel.
We were very lucky to have artist Steven Gilligan paint one of our containers at Civic Street Yard – pop by and check it out.
We can’t wait to host our next open day on June 4th – led by Glasgow Tool Library!
Check out the photos below, taken by Tiu Makkonen, of the activities on May 7th.